a television with the netflix logo on it

Rankings of the popularity of movies and TV shows on streaming platforms in the United States are created based on various indicators and data collection methods. Here are the key factors considered when compiling such rankings:

1. Number of minutes watched:

  • Description: The total number of minutes users have spent watching a particular title. This metric helps assess which content attracts the most viewer attention.

    Example: Nielsen publishes weekly rankings of the most popular streaming programs in the USA, sorted by the total number of minutes watched by individuals aged 2 and above.


2. Number of unique viewers:

  • Description: The count of individual users who have watched a specific movie or series. This helps understand the breadth of the audience a particular production attracts.

3. User ratings and reviews:

  • Description: Average ratings and the number of reviews left by viewers on streaming platforms and review sites. This indicates the level of satisfaction and engagement among the audience.

4. Social media activity:

  • Description: The number of mentions, shares, and discussions about a title on social media platforms. High activity suggests growing popularity and social interest.

5. Viewer demographic data:

  • Description: Information about the age, gender, location, and other demographic characteristics of viewers. This helps understand which audience groups are most interested in a particular title.

6. Search trend analysis:

  • Description: The frequency with which a title is searched for online. An increase in search queries can indicate rising interest before or after a release.

7. Subscription and cancellation numbers:

  • Description: Changes in the number of platform subscribers in relation to the release of a specific title. Popular productions can attract new users or retain existing ones.

8. Internal data from streaming platforms:

  • Description: Detailed viewership statistics, such as the number of started and completed plays, available directly to platform operators. This data is often not publicly shared but is crucial for creating accurate rankings.

It's important to note that different organizations and services may use varying methods of data collection and analysis